Data Enablement Blog | Pitchly

Boosting Productivity in Professional Services

Written by Pitchly | Oct 4, 2022 2:29:42 PM

Every professional services firm should be focused on productivity. The more productive your team is, the better your firm’s profitability. The benefits of a highly productive team are many. According to Oracle NetSuite, increasing productivity allows firms to:

  • Generate higher profits
  • Charge lower prices
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Offer more attractive wages
  • Get increased access to capital


But boosting productivity isn’t always easy. The biggest obstacles to productivity are too many interruptions, taking too long to do tedious tasks, too many manual tasks and technology that can’t keep up. But there are things your firm can do to combat these obstacles like revamping how employees work, increasing training and investing in new technology.


Revamp How Employees Work

Where your employees work can have a direct impact on their productivity. For example, productivity is higher when employees can work from home. It’s been found that 40% of employees work longer hours at home and 75% have an improved work-life balance. 

Revamping your firm’s physical space and offering flexible schedules with remote work options can help boost your employees’ productivity and overall morale. 


Create both shared and private spaces

While an open office space can improve collaboration, it can also be distracting. Offer your employees a variety of workspaces where they can work together, but also spaces where they can concentrate. Include huddle rooms, private rooms and shared spaces.


Offer flexible schedules and remote work

Much of the work done by professional services firms can be done remotely. With good data processes, professional services marketing teams can pull data for tombstones, pitches and proposals from anywhere. Give employees the flexibility to work from home, from the office or offer a hybrid of the two.


Focus on Learning and Development

Chances are your workplace veterans are already working at a highly productive pace but young employees, like those just getting out of law school or interns, don’t have as much experience under their belts. 

Offer on-the-job training to help them get up to speed faster, improving their productivity. Training can include better time management, legal writing tips and other relevant information

Don’t forget to also train both new and existing employees on soft skills like agile methods and advanced collaboration techniques.


Invest in Time-Saving Tools

While creating improved working spaces and offering training can help improve productivity, adopting better data processes is an even easier solution for employees who are bogged down by interruptions like tedious and manual tasks. One way to do this is to invest in better data management software. 

Consider the pain points of your professional services marketing team:

  • Your team constantly receives redundant emails about experience information because it’s trapped in the minds of coworkers, spreadsheets and documents.
  • You have to pull data from disconnected sources to create tombstones, pitches and proposals, wasting valuable time.
  •  You don’t have enough time left to strategize on how to get new business.

Automating your manual processes is key and data productivity tools, like Pitchly, can help.



Marketing automation for professional services starts with connecting your data. When your data is scattered, it can’t be easily accessed by everyone who needs it, leading to redundant emails. Pitchly connects your data between apps so anyone can access it quickly and easily. Pitchly’s data enablement platform lets you bring in data from any system, import it, normalize it and export it to the format or system you need.

Once your data is connected, Pitchly lets its users quickly filter it and create branded assets from templates that auto-populate experience, logos, bios, case studies and other data points. Your team can quickly drop in data tombstones into assets like pitch decks and proposals.

The best part is the time Pitchly saves your team. Legal marketing teams and associates say Pitchly saves them 93% of the time previously spent preparing credentials and researching firm deal experience.


Increased productivity begins and ends with better data and data management. Pitchly can help. Contact us today for a demo.